Monday, August 16, 2010

Serving vs. Loving

What is my motivation in wanting to serve others?  Is it so that I feel better about myself, get a pat on the back from God, and look good to those around me? Maybe I could soften that harsh wording a little and say it is because I desire to do what God wants me to do. 

But is it? Do I really want to serve? Is that even what God really wants?

The reason for service is for the love of the people you serve, not just because it is your duty. God desires that we show selfless love to each other, and one expression of that is through service, but service without love is nothing. 

Consider the consequences of serving without truly loving. You will be there, you will do what you need to do, you may even be compassionate and caring, but if you do not truly love them then how will God's love be shown through you personally? There is some merit in works, but meaningfully caring about someone is something that shows. It is either there or it is not.

God wants us to love when we serve. Where is your motivation?

Friday, August 13, 2010

Down to Earth?

Recently I have been bouncing around ideas in my head about being rooted in God. Water's Edge started these thoughts when I heard of their sermon series "Rooted."

As I was reading a book tonight, my mind wandered (which is why it takes me so long to read) and I connected an idea I had never thought of before. I remembered how I have always liked to say that I am the kind of person that is down to earth. In my mind, my mental image is of roots in the ground.  Does that mental image mean that I want to be rooted in this earth? This thought struck me. 

So instead I suppose my desire is not to be "down to earth" after all, but instead have my roots in righteousness, not of this world. What would that sound like? Give me your ideas for a new phrase